Colonel Town Recreation
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Safe Haven After School Program Register View Cart

Safe Haven - Summer 2009
    • We follow the SAU-36 Calendar. 
    •  If your child is not going to be taking the bus on a particular day please do not have them dropped off before 2:30. 
    • Our staff members greet the children at the parking lot when they get off the bus.
    • We have snack after the kids arrive. Your child can bring their own snack or we provide snacks to those who don't already have one.
    • After snacks are finished, children will have fun outside on the playground and ball fields (weather permitting).
    • Please let us know if you would like Safe Haven staff to make sure your child gets to any other Colonel Town programs in which they're registered, such as soccer practice, gymnastics, etc. 

If your child cannot attend school due to illness then they cannot attend activities at Col. Town. 

You or an emergency contact must be available to pickup your child immediately if your child begins to feel ill or if they are suspected of being ill. 

Please make sure that your account is up to date with your child's medical information and current phone numbers and emails.

Do you want to make a donation to our scholarship fund? If so please click here.

General Information
  • Safe Haven will be open after school from 2:30-5:30pm during the school year.
  • If school is cancelled due to bad weather, Safe Haven will be closed.
  • There is a Safe Haven bus from the Lancaster School to Colonel Town.
  • Safe Haven is a Recreation Program - our goal is to provide children with stimulating activities and fun opportunities for children.

Policies Regarding Tuition
  • Your regular contracted tuition is by the day.
  • Tuition will be prepaid, payable on Fridays for the following week.
  • Parents pay for each contracted day that their child is enrolled, even if the child is absent due to illness.
  • The weekly tuition will ONLY be reduced if a change in the weekly schedule is submitted in writing (or email) by Friday for the following week.
  • Parents will not be charged for any days a child misses due to suspension from Safe Haven.
  • Additional costs associated with field trips, such as admission to the movie theater or theme parks, must be paid with the regular tuition.
  • Overdue tuition will result in your child being withdrawn from the program. He/she can only be reinstated when the balance is paid in full.

Miscellaneous Fees
  • Parent picks a child up from Safe Haven after the 5:30 closing time $10 per 10 min.
  • Returned check $25
  • Safe Haven staff has to pick up a child from school because he/she missed the bus $5

  • Safe Haven is not responsible for any child until he/she arrives with an adult.
  • Parents must sign the daily attendance sheet.
  • Please call if someone is going to pick up your child other than yourself to ensure your child’s safety

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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After School (2:30-5:30pm) 
4y - 11y N/A MTuWThF  08/27/2024 - 06/13/2025
02:30 PM - 05:30 PM

Safe Haven
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SAU 36 Early Release 11:30-5:30 
N/A K - 6 WThF  09/13/2024 - 06/13/2025
11:30 AM - 05:30 PM

Safe Haven
See Options
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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